Aiko Kawarazaki
- Aiko
- Kawarazaki
Patent attorney
Area of Practice
Organic materials, polymer materials, organic synthesis, fibers, woven and knitted fabrics, non-woven fabrics, filters, films, airbags, industrial chemistry, processes, catalysts
- Kyoto University (Bachelor of Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, 2007)
- Aiko Kawarazaki started working in the Intellectual Property field with joining U’sfi Patent Attorneys International Office in 2010.
- Patent attorney (2019 business year)
I majored in Chemical Engineering (Particle Technology) at university, and after joining U’sfi in 2010, I have been mainly focusing my practice in the field of chemistry. Passion of inventors and strategies of companies are filled in each and every case entrusted with. I believe that various hints to solve problems can be found in such enthusiasm. Sharing clients’ view, I look forward to working with them by leveraging my expertise and experience. I also hope that cases I have taken on would change our world for the better.