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Consulting to make
your business a

Allocation of applications
according to the client’s objectives

Three important factors in the formation of patent assets

inventions for products more than 5 years into the future

Invention for the future, five or more years into the future, is an element that every company should focus on. We aim for our company to occupy the market in the future ahead of other companies.

inventions related to the company’s
products within the current ~5 years

Filing an application for an ongoing invention related to your product is the most common form of filing a patent application in order to prevent other companies from copying your product. However, if you concentrate your patent applications only on your own inventions, both your products and your patents will become Galapagosized, and as a result, your business will be less flexible. 3.

Inventions related to other companies’ products within the current ~5 years

As a general rule, it is not common to file a patent application for an invention related to another company’s product that is currently in progress.

However, given the current situation in which inventions related to one’s own products are sometimes patented by other companies, it is important to file applications for inventions related to other companies’ products as well, otherwise, on balance, one’s bargaining power with other companies will be weakened. On the other hand, if you file applications for inventions related to other companies’ products, you can make inroads into other companies’ market shares.

Check the balance of
your patent portfolio.

The filing strategy to be taken depends on whether the client’s objective is to suppress latecomers by leading companies or to penetrate the market of latecomers.
Therefore, it is necessary to understand the combination and ratio of patent portfolios and to review the balance of inventive assets. The important thing is to determine which elements of the inventions you have, and in what percentages.

Leading firmsshould
increase the proportion of
inventions related to “their”
products, while latecomers
should increase the proportion
of inventions related to “other
companies” products.

Patent portfolios of
leading firms

You can eliminate late entrants trying to catch up to your company

If you are targeting latecomer suppression by leading firms,
your company
If your objective is to suppress latecomers by your own company, you can eliminate late entrants by proceeding on the path you have developed while setting up patents that prevent subsequent entrants from following suit.

Patent portfolios of latecomers

You can have a patent that threatens the product of the current market leader (a predecessor)

If you are a latecomer, you plant relevant patents around other companies’ products. As the first mover company changes the specifications of its product, it will be hit by the patents it has planted, and as a result, it will be able to enter the market.

Multi-layered patent map to give you an edge in the race for position

Get a three-dimensional, multi-layered, three-dimensional overview of the patent map.

Because existing patents are crowded together, you cannot beat your rivals simply by finding a gap and obtaining a patent.
The battle for patents tends to be viewed on a two-dimensional plane, but if you look at it from a bird’s eye view, there is always an open layer, and you will find a way to win your business.

Smart Phone Patent Layers

Using a smartphone patent as an example, each of the 1-9 layers looks like this.

  • Basic Research(Product Out)~Applied research (market-in) Layer 1
  • Basic Research(Product Out)~Applied research (market-in) Layer 2
  • Basic Research(Product Out)~Applied research (market-in) Layer 3
  • Basic Research(Product Out)~Applied research (market-in) Layer 4
  • Basic Research(Product Out)~Applied research (market-in) Layer 5
  • Basic Research(Product Out)~Applied research (market-in) Layer 6
  • Basic Research(Product Out)~Applied research (market-in) Layer 7
  • Basic Research(Product Out)~Applied research (market-in) Layer 8
  • Basic Research(Product Out)~Applied research (market-in) Layer 9
  • Semiconductor Material Development

    Semiconductor materials and resist materials that make up the various electronic components in smartphones.

  • Transistor Structure

    Transistor structure, which controls electronic signals in electronic devices and circuits.

  • Circuit

    LayoutCircuit layout on the board, including electronic components and conductors of electronic circuits.

  • Chip foot configuration

    Size and arrangement of semiconductor chip terminals.

  • Creation of a new layer by combination

    When a part a of layer A and a part b of another layer B are combined to create an unnoticed advantage, the combination of a and b is patentable.
    In other words, a new patent layer is created where no technology layer exists at first glance.

    Layer 5( Integration Layer)

  • Peripherals

    Peripherals such as earphones, microphones, cameras, etc.

  • User Interface (Function)

    Settings, applications, and other functions that users can use.

  • User Interface (Design)

    Design on the smartphone operation screen.

  • Applied applications and business models

    Applied applications and business models using the product.


Teams organized for each case

There are many patent firms that share general knowledge through study groups, etc., but cases tend to be basically played by the individual in charge.

We have a team of 2 to 8 members for each case to share information on the situation and issues, and search for a better way to benefit our clients.

Strategic Plan for Protecting Your
Invention and Offensive Business

The strategic plan to be adopted differs depending on whether the client’s objective is to suppress the latecomers by the leading companies or to penetrate into the market for the latecomers. We will provide you with an IP strategy to protect your invention while simultaneously attacking your business and winning over your competitors.


Good communication with our clients is essential for the establishment of better intellectual property rights.

Our patent attorneys do not work in a one-sided manner, but rather listen carefully to the client’s story to the end and make the most appropriate proposal based on a thorough understanding of the client’s situation.

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Our patent attorneys are experienced in their respective fields of expertise and can effectively protect your ideas and inventions.