Hiroaki Ito
- Hiroaki
- Ito
Patent attorney
Area of Practice
Organic chemistry, pharmaceutical, medical treatment, biotechnology, microbe, chemical process, ceramics, and environmental chemistry
- Kyoto University (Bachelor of Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry, 1994)
- Kyoto University (Master of Science in Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry, 1996)
- Sankyo Co., Ltd. (present Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited) – mainly engaged in searches for new active compounds, as well as the patent business, for 5 years.
- Hiroaki ITO started working in the Intellectual Property field in 1998.
- Patent attorney (2002)
I am involved in interesting inventions in various fields ranging from industrial to biological technologies. I always do my utmost to see that important ideas are protected effectively, and so that the burden on the inventors and corporate personnel in charge of patents can be lightened, from filing patent applications to obtaining patent rights.