Nao Tsuji
- Nao
- Tsuji
Patent attorney
Area of Practice
Mechanical field, Medical field, Civil engineering field, Daily necessities, etc.
- Kindai University (Bachelor of Engineering, Genetic Engineering, 2013)
- Osaka University (Master of Science, Frontier Biosciences, 2015)
- Nao TSUJI started working in the Intellectual Property field with joining U’sfi Patent Attorneys International Office in 2019.
- She worked as a Clinical Embryologist at a hospital specializing in assisted reproductive technology for about 4 years before joining U’sfi Patent Attorneys International Office.
- patent attorney (2021 business year)
Based on my expertise and broad knowledge as a patent attorney, I will strive to contribute to the development of your company by maximizing the scope of rights obtained and protecting the rights pertaining to your profits by reconsidering the value created by you from the perspective of intellectual property rights and making appropriate statements in your application.